2016中國國際骨科研究大會概況: 近十多年來,我國骨科基礎研究工作得到了快速的發展。隨著骨科新理論、新技術、新材料的快速發展,基礎研究在推動骨科事業發展中起到越來越大的作用。但由于各種原因,我國與國際先進水平相比差距較大,存在諸如基礎研究與臨床工作脫節等問題。為了促進我國骨科基礎研究的水平,使我們的科研成果盡快轉化成為臨床需要的新技術、新產品,為廣大骨科基礎研究領域人員搭建一個互相交流學習的平臺,促進科研單位,基礎研究與臨床醫生,專業廠家和醫療器械、投融資機構等的有機聯系,經衛生部有關部門批準,由上海廣貿會 展服務有限公司主辦,中國骨科內植物產業聯盟,中國骨科內植物產業社區網協辦,于2016年8月19日-20日在上海舉辦2016中國國際骨科研究大會。 本屆大會將邀請來自中國內地、香港、臺灣、澳門以及美國、英國、日本、德國、澳大利亞等多個國家和地區的近800余名骨科基礎研究醫生、企業代表、科研單位代表、骨科臨床醫生、大學教授等專業人士到會。 大會共設有7場分論壇,并設有茶歇,小組討論等多場活動,為參會來賓提供交流討論的平臺。
2016中國國際骨科研究大會還設立了骨科骨科基礎研究產品展示區域,展示與交流國際骨科基礎研究領域最新研究成果,促進全球骨科基礎研究領域內的創新合作。 大會共設有7場分論壇,依次是:專場一: 骨科遺傳學研究論壇 專場二: 骨科組織工程與再生醫學研究論壇專場三: 骨科生物力學研究論壇專場四: 骨-骨、骨-肌腱、肌腱-肌腱愈合研究論壇 專場五: 骨科藥物的改良和研發專場六: 骨科臨床治療研究論壇 專場七: 骨科基礎研究國際專場 2016中國國際骨科研究大會誠邀您的參加!
Over the past decade, China's orthopedic research has developed rapidly. With the development of orthopedic new theories, new technologies and new materials, basic research plays an increasingly important role in promoting the development of orthopedics. In order to promote the orthopedic research level in our country, translating more of our research results into new technologies and meet clinical needs, provide a platform for research institutes, basic research and clinical professionals and medical equipment manufacturers, investment and financing institutions to exchange ideas and make co-operation, with the approval of Ministry of Health Department, Shanghai Guang Mao Exhibition Service Inc China orthopedic Implant Industry Alliance will host the 2016 China International Orthopedic Research Summit?from?19 -20 August 2016 in Shanghai. This conference will invite nearly 800 orthopedic research professionals from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany, Australia and other countries and regions, business representatives, representatives of research institutes, orthopedic clinicians, university professors and other professionals will attend the summit. The summit has a total of seven sub-forums, and tea breaks, panel discussions and other activities for the participants to networking and share ideas. The conference also established an exhibitiing area for orthopedic research product and technology to display. The summit has a total of seven sub-forums,they are: I : orthopedic Genetics Research ForumII : Orthopedic Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Research ForumIII : Orthopedic Biomechanics Research ForumIV: Bone - Bone, Bone - Tendon, Tendon - Tendon Healing Research ForumV: Improvement and Development of Orthopedic Drugs Forum VI: Orthopedics Clinical Treatment Research ForumVII: orthopedic Basic Research International Forum 2016 China International Orthopedic Research Summit welcomes your participation ! Who Attends the ORS-CHINA Annual Meeting? The ORS Annual Meeting is a highly cost efective way to reach an infuential and diverse?group?of orthopaedic researchers and decision makers. ORS-CHINA attendees are?from?across the globe and have varied interests in the feld of orthopaedic research: ? Arthroplasty? Biomaterials? Cancer –bone tumors, metastatic disease? Cell and Molecular Imaging? Clinical outcomes research? Disc Biology, Biomechanics, and Repair? Genetics, Genomics and Proteomics? Implant Wear ? Infection? Kinematics and Gait? Mechanobiology? Muscle Development and Disease? Nerve and Spinal Cord Injury? Progenitors and Stem Cells? Surgical Navigation Outcomes and Robotics? Surgical Repair and Rehabilitation? Tissue Engineering and Repair
誰將出席ORS-CHINA 年會? ORS-CHINA年會將吸引從事與關心骨科基礎研究領域的科研人員與決策者,ORS-CHINA 年會的參與者來自世界各地,他們在以下領域從事骨科研究: ?關節置換術?生物材料?癌癥--骨腫瘤,轉移性疾病?細胞與分子成像?臨床研究成果?脊椎盤生物學,生物力學和修復?遺傳學,基因組學和蛋白質組學?植入磨損?感染?運動學和步態?力學生物學?肌肉發育和疾病?神經和脊髓損傷?祖細胞和干細胞?手術導航結果與機器人?手術修復和恢復?組織工程與修復
Who Are the ORS -CHINA Exhibitors? ? Medical equipment manufacturers ? Suppliers of laboratory equipment (orthopaedic material testers, raw or fnished products used for basic?science?and developmental research)?World-wide orthopaedic technology leaders providing?computer?software for a variety of research analysis? Laboratories ? Global medical publishers? Research consulting frms (frms that provide services in preclinical testing, finite element analysis, retrieval analysis, intellectual property, and clinical outcome research for orthopaedic applications)? Research Centers? Universities? Funding Agencies
誰來參展: ?醫療設備制造商?實驗室設備供應商(骨科材料測試儀,用于基礎科學研究原料或成品)?全球范圍內的骨科技術領導者,提供計算機軟件,適用于各種研究分析?實驗室?研究咨詢機構(提供臨床前分析、有限元分析、檢索分析,知識產權和骨科臨床療效研究 服務)?科研中心?高校?投融資機構。